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Guess The Number

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday's 13 Ways to waste time on the internet

1. Type in a random URL and go! You'd be surprised at some of the website names out there!

2. Join in the hunt for a buried , here.

3. Play a rousing game of follow-the-linker!

4. Highlight this text to see what it says.

5. Add your location to the Google Earth Community, so anyone can pinpoint you on the globe using !

6. Hop on one foot and tap your head while reading this!

7. Check out some flash games here.

Optical Illusion


10. Leave a comment here about your favorite thing that is blue.

11. Read the rest of a list of things to do, suggested on a blog, written by a bored person, for no particular reason other than that you are bored.

12. Write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on someone's roadmaps.

13. Get some advice from a ninja on

Well, that's today's "". For those of you reading this far, congratulations! You must really be bored! :)


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