Thursday's 13 Ways to waste time on the internet
1. Type in a random URL and go! You'd be surprised at some of the website names out there! www.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.com2. Join in the hunt for a buried Volvo, here.
3. Play a rousing game of follow-the-linker!
4. Highlight this text to see what it says.
5. Add your location to the Google Earth Community, so anyone can pinpoint you on the globe using Google Earth!
6. Hop on one foot and tap your head while reading this!
7. Check out some flash games here.
10. Leave a comment here about your favorite thing that is blue.
11. Read the rest of a list of things to do, suggested on a blog, written by a bored person, for no particular reason other than that you are bored.
12. Write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on someone's roadmaps.
13. Get some advice from a ninja on YouTube
Well, that's today's "Thursday Thirteen". For those of you reading this far, congratulations! You must really be bored! :)
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